I'm trying to set my invoices (list view) table header and footer fixed, I made some touchs on the css from google chrome's inspector interface, I made some mess such us :
body > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td.oe_application > div > div > div > div.oe_view_manager_view_list > div > table > tbody
- position: absolute;
- max-height: 100%
- overflow: auto;
It scrolls but looks like the body rows cells don't resize as the header dimensions,
Any Clues, Ideas, Solutions... ?
have the same problem here. IMHO there is no easy way to do it. I will now try to set the size of the header manually with js.
Apparently, that could not be treated without js, In fact we can fix the header but as you said, the width of columns stays fixed too, and not responsive the the table rows columns width,
@Peter Nietz Have you found any way to do it ? For me, I'm willing to start a little bit about JS, once I find something, I'll notify you