Can someone help me with creating an access rule that filters companies and doesn't prevent the user of creating companies? The problem is when I create a new user with the same settings as an admin user and don't create a company and add it to the user.
The user should be able to create its own companies.
My access rule that's causing access error "Document: operation: read":
<data noupdate="0"> <record id="hr_izracun_place.company_access_rule" model="ir.rule"> <field name="name">Prikaz družb uporabnika</field> <field name="model_id" ref="base.model_res_company"/> <field name="domain_force"> [('create_uid', 'in', [])] </field> </record> </data> </odoo>
I've tried with the domain [('create_uid', 'in', [, 1])], but it also doesn't work.
Samo what all access you have given to this rule?
It has all... read, write, create, unlink and it's global.