I have postfix working fine as an local email server for incoming messages.
Every user are receiving their email messages from the "outside world" but, when one of our clients decide to put the email address in uppercase (XXXXX@example.com and not xxxxx@example.com) the openerp_mailgate.py script treats the message as a lead and send it to the sales | leads.
2015-05-28 07:16:10,089 1137 INFO xxxxxxx openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread: Routing mail from Manuel Moura <xxxx@xxxxx.com> to ??????@xxxxx.com with Message-Id <?????.?????@xxxx.com>: fallback to model:crm.lead, thread_id:False, custom_values:{}, uid:1
Any idea how to correct this?
Thanks for your attention.