Please give me code sample to achieve this scenario in cron job
I want method to check two fields values in two different classes. If the two field values match, then change all users status to expire except a user called Mark John.
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Please give me code sample to achieve this scenario in cron job
I want method to check two fields values in two different classes. If the two field values match, then change all users status to expire except a user called Mark John.
You can try something like this,
model1_rec = env['model1_name'].search([],limit=1)
model2_rec = env['model2_name'].search([],limit=1)
if model1_rec and model2_rec:
if model1_rec.field_name == model2_rec.field_name:
users = env['res.users'].search([('name', '!=', 'Mark John')])
for user in users:
user.write({'field_name': new_value})
I have tried but not working
model1_rec = env['model1_name'].search([],limit=1)
model2_rec = env['model2_name'].search([],limit=1)
if model1_rec and model2_rec:
if model1_rec.field_name == model2_rec.field_name:
users = self.env['res.users'].search([('name', '!=', 'Mark John')])
for user in users:
user.write({'field_name': new_value})
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from odoo import models, fields, api, _
class ResUsers(models.Model):
_inherit = "res.users"
def action_button_test(self):
# Code works[('login', '!=', 'admin')]).write({'active': False})
return True
The above code work well. But i want to check the value of field name "phone" in and value of field name "mobile" in res.partner. So if value of phone and mobile does not match, then[('login', '!=', 'admin')]).write({'active': False})
else[('active', '=', False)]).write({'active': True})
Please, what do i need to do to make it work.
Thanks in advance