I want to inherit a methode who is localise inside a methode
how can i do
i use super but not march
def methode(self):
def methode(self):
def methode(self):
code :
def _recompute_payment_terms_lines(self):
''' Compute the dynamic payment term lines of the journal entry.'''
res = super(OptesisMoveRetention, self)._recompute_payment_terms_lines()
self = self.with_company(self.company_id)
in_draft_mode = self != self._origin
today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
self = self.with_company(self.journal_id.company_id)
def _get_payment_terms_computation_date(self):
''' Get the date from invoice that will be used to compute the payment terms.
:param self: The current account.move record.
:return: A datetime.date object.
if self.invoice_payment_term_id:
return self.invoice_date or today
return self.invoice_date_due or self.invoice_date or today
def _get_payment_terms_account(self, payment_terms_lines):
''' Get the account from invoice that will be set as receivable / payable account.
:param self: The current account.move record.
:param payment_terms_lines: The current payment terms lines.
:return: An account.account record.
if payment_terms_lines:
# Retrieve account from previous payment terms lines in order to allow the user to set a custom one.
return payment_terms_lines[0].account_id
elif self.partner_id:
# Retrieve account from partner.
if self.is_sale_document(include_receipts=True):
return self.partner_id.property_account_receivable_id
return self.partner_id.property_account_payable_id
# Search new account.
domain = [
('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id),
('internal_type', '=', 'receivable' if self.move_type in ('out_invoice', 'out_refund', 'out_receipt') else 'payable'),
return self.env['account.account'].search(domain, limit=1)
def _compute_payment_terms(self, date, total_balance, total_amount_currency):
''' Compute the payment terms.
:param self: The current account.move record.
:param date: The date computed by '_get_payment_terms_computation_date'.
:param total_balance: The invoice's total in company's currency.
:param total_amount_currency: The invoice's total in invoice's currency.
:return: A list .
if self.invoice_payment_term_id:
to_compute = self.invoice_payment_term_id.compute(total_balance, date_ref=date, currency=self.company_id.currency_id)
if self.currency_id == self.company_id.currency_id:
# Single-currency.
return [(b[0], b[1], b[1]) for b in to_compute]
# Multi-currencies.
to_compute_currency = self.invoice_payment_term_id.compute(total_amount_currency, date_ref=date, currency=self.currency_id)
return [(b[0], b[1], ac[1]) for b, ac in zip(to_compute, to_compute_currency)]
return [(fields.Date.to_string(date), total_balance, total_amount_currency)]
def _compute_diff_payment_terms_lines(self, existing_terms_lines, account, to_compute):
''' Process the result of the '_compute_payment_terms' method and creates/updates corresponding invoice lines.
:param self: The current account.move record.
:param existing_terms_lines: The current payment terms lines.
:param account: The account.account record returned by '_get_payment_terms_account'.
:param to_compute: The list returned by '_compute_payment_terms'.
# As we try to update existing lines, sort them by due date.*
res = super(OptesisMoveRetention, self)._compute_diff_payment_terms_lines()
existing_terms_lines = existing_terms_lines.sorted(lambda line: line.date_maturity or today)
existing_terms_lines_index = 0
# Recompute amls: update existing line or create new one for each payment term.
new_terms_lines = self.env['account.move.line']
for date_maturity, balance, amount_currency in to_compute:
currency = self.journal_id.company_id.currency_id
if currency and currency.is_zero(balance) and len(to_compute) > 1:
if existing_terms_lines_index < len(existing_terms_lines):
# Update existing line.
candidate = existing_terms_lines[existing_terms_lines_index]
existing_terms_lines_index += 1
'date_maturity': date_maturity,
'amount_currency': -amount_currency,
'debit': balance < 0.0 and -balance or 0.0,
'credit': balance > 0.0 and balance or 0.0,
# Create new line.
create_method = in_draft_mode and self.env['account.move.line'].new or self.env['account.move.line'].create
candidate = create_method({
'name': 'TEST' or '',
'debit': balance < 0.0 and -balance or 0.0,
'credit': balance > 0.0 and balance or 0.0,
'quantity': 1.0,
'amount_currency': -amount_currency,
'date_maturity': date_maturity,
'move_id': self.id,
'currency_id': self.currency_id.id,
'account_id': account.id,
'partner_id': self.commercial_partner_id.id,
'exclude_from_invoice_tab': True,
new_terms_lines += candidate
if in_draft_mode:
return res
existing_terms_lines = self.line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.account_id.user_type_id.type in ('receivable', 'payable'))
others_lines = self.line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.account_id.user_type_id.type not in ('receivable', 'payable'))
company_currency_id = (self.company_id or self.env.company).currency_id
total_balance = sum(others_lines.mapped(lambda l: company_currency_id.round(l.balance)))
total_amount_currency = sum(others_lines.mapped('amount_currency'))
if not others_lines:
self.line_ids -= existing_terms_lines
computation_date = _get_payment_terms_computation_date(self)
account = _get_payment_terms_account(self, existing_terms_lines)
to_compute = _compute_payment_terms(self, computation_date, total_balance, total_amount_currency)
new_terms_lines = _compute_diff_payment_terms_lines(self, existing_terms_lines, account, to_compute)
# Remove old terms lines that are no longer needed.
self.line_ids -= existing_terms_lines - new_terms_lines
if new_terms_lines:
self.payment_reference = new_terms_lines[-1].name or ''
self.invoice_date_due = new_terms_lines[-1].date_maturity
return res