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2 Replies

How can I call a wizard from another module/folder??

I know where are the view and the .py what can I do for call that wizard on another menu?


Which one do you want to call? Please tell me the path and i'll give you an answer according your wizard.

Best Answer

If you wanted to call a wizard from button you need to write a button like

<button name='%(module_name.window_action)d' type='action' string='Button'/>

and if you have wrote a method in py file then you need to return action like

def your_method(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
    your code
    return {
       'name': 'Wizard name'
       'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
       'res_model': 'wizard_model',
       'view_mode': 'form',
       'view_type': 'form',
       'target': 'new',
       'context': context,

In return "target: new" will popup a wizard. This will help you to call a wizard from another module.


I did that but I have an error

raise NotImplementedError('Many2Many columns should not be used as record name (_rec_name)') NotImplementedError: Many2Many columns should not be used as record name (_rec_name)

Author Best Answer

I did that but I have an error

raise NotImplementedError('Many2Many columns should not be used as record name (_rec_name)') NotImplementedError: Many2Many columns should not be used as record name (_rec_name)
What's Happen?


I suppose you have defined many2many field and in that you are giving columns as name field of model, change it by suffix "id" it will work. for eg. model_id.

I suppose you have defined many2many field and in that you are giving columns as name field of model, change it by suffix "id" it will work. for eg. model_id.


thanks it works now