Some of our products are delivered direct from stock, and others requires a picking process. We could set up different routes for the different products but when they are sold together Odoo will create two delivery orders, which is to be expected since they have different locations (WH/STOCK and WH/OUTPUT).
Since our products that are delivered directly, physically are located in the output area i though that i can store them as a child in WH/OUTPUT, that way when delivery order is made all products has the same location. I made a new receipt operation where destination would be WH/OUTPUT and long as the PO is made from a reordering rule the products would automatically end up in the right place, when manually making a PO i would have to manually choose the right operation which is error prone.
Another way i though of was to put the OUTPUT location as a child to my stock, then i could use a putaway rules to get all products to the right place. I got a decent flow that works using this setup.
I read somewhere though that putting the output location as a child to stock was strongly not recommended, can someone explain why?
There are probably other ways to get this working? Any suggestions?
Thanks for reply
That post does not solve his problem (which is the same problem i have) - how do i send products with 1 step route together with products with a 2 step route. As they no longer share the same source. The products with a 2 step route will be transfered to output, while the product with 1 step route will be sent directly from stock.
Would there be any issues keeping output location as a child to stock? wh/stock/output instead of having stock and output at the same hierarchy level?
Suggested Material flow for products with 2 step delivery
Receive > WH/Stock > Pick operation > WH/Output > Delivery Order > Customer
Suggested Flow for products with 1 step delivery
Receive > WH/Stock > Putaway rules > WH/Output > Delivery Order > Customer
Stock and Output represent a physical area in your warehouse. Products delivered in 2 steps are stored in stock and then brought to output before shipping (2 steps) while other products are already stored in output area to be shipped (1step)
I don't believe there is any issues with having output as a child location (WH/Stock/Output), however I don't see any benefits either for the above flows.
Consider WH/Output as a possible place for stock storage and not a place just for shipping.
Hope this helps clarify
From what i understand putaway rules only work on child locations of the current location. ie. WH/Stock/Output would work but not WH/Stock to WH/Output (same hierarchy level). The only way i see it then is to let products arrive in WH and then use putaway rules on all products, some to WH/Stock and others to WH/Output.
That is correct putaway rules apply only to sublocations, so you would need WH/output to be child location of WH/stock or receive in WH. If you manage large number of products then it might be easier to apply to product category.
If you need the transfer from WH/Stock to WH/Output or WH/Stock/Output to be an operation, then it can be achieved with 'Push' rule or a 'Pull & Push' rule to your receive route.
I will recieve in WH and use putaway rules that applies to products categories. This solves it.
Thanks for your input!