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Installed version 8 (IP 1) and postgres (IP 2) in two different VM which have ubuntu 18.4 OS. Both IP1/2 is not a static one.

  As suggested, did the below postgres related configurations in IP 2 

In file /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf added a new line 

IPV4 : host all all trust 

then in /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf 

listen_address= '*' 

after this save and restarted postgres service. 

Similarly in .openerp_serverrc conf file 

db_host = IP 2,  db_port = 5432

  for remaining options like db_user,db_password,db_name i have given False and db_filter=.* 

Earlier i tried with giving the details also for db_name,user,password. 

after restarting odoo server and when i refreshed the browser and selected any database getting error as "  Unable to login on database "dbname" 

It is a fresh db without any modules. Tried with another DB also. Both DB was created through command line by using query.

From front end if i  tried to create DB then getting some xml error related to PIL Image.


Please post the config file and the error from logs.


@Sudhir : I do not have log file. Because Odoo files / addons i have clone from our git repository. python dependencies and postgres alone have installed using pip / apt-get . So sharing config details

Odoo conf:

db_host =

db_maxconn = 64

db_name = False

db_password = False

db_port = 5432

db_user = False

dbfilter = .*

Please let me know if any other config details needed in specific.

Best Answer

For database connection error.Please try to update your base module once again from terminal

./openerp-server -d "yourdbname" -u base

if the database created through query, sometimes base modules need to get updated again. Once i have faced the same and the above step solved it.

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