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2 Replies

Hello odoo Family,

I am really new to odoo and qweb but I have to modify the standard account.invoice report for our company. I am familiar with HTML, so qweb itself is not a problem, however I really struggle with implementing additional data to the report. We use odoo version 9.0e.

This is my situation:

We have several warehouses in odoo. Each of them has a unique image (logo) attached to it's address (res.partner?). This logo should also appear in the account.invoice report when the products of that report are linked to that specific warehouse.

I think I'm doing something terribly wrong here, but this what I have so far:

<img t-if="o.invoice_line_ids[0].product_id.warehouse_id.partner_id.image" t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % o.invoice_line_ids[0].product_id.warehouse_id.partner_id.image" align="right" style="max-height: 20px;"/>I don't think that I can load the stock model that easily in qweb's account.invoice model? I am only using the first product of the report to identify the warehouse because this always works in our environment.

So my initial question here is:

How can I get the image of the warehouse of the first product in the report?

The second thing is the following:

How can I get the shipping address and the billing address of the specific order. Everything I tried din't work out as expected and I get despaired of this more and more...

Best reagards,


Best Answer

I'm using v10 and currently working on creating account_invoice report. Regarding your 2nd question here is a piece of code that puts billing address in my report:

<div class="col-xs-6">        							
    <strong>Billing Address:</strong>
    <div t-if="o.partner_id.parent_id">
        <span t-field="o.partner_id.parent_id"/>
    <div t-field=""/>
    <div t-field="o.partner_id.street"/>
    <div t-field="o.partner_id.street2"/>  
        <span t-field=""/><span t-if="o.partner_id.state_id.code">, </span><span t-field="o.partner_id.state_id.code"/> <span t-field=""/>
    <div t-if="o.partner_id.country_id.code != 'US'">
        <span t-field="o.partner_id.country_id"/> </div>
    <div t-field="o.partner_id.vat"/>

it takes address from 'res.partner' form.

But I'm having a problem with the shipping address. For some reason it puts exactly the same info as in Billing address. So my billing address = shipping address now.

However, here is a code that works for the shipping address in v8:

<div class="col-xs-6" t-if="o.address_shipping_id">							
    <strong>Shipped Address:</strong>
    <div t-if="o.address_shipping_id.parent_id">
        <span t-field="o.address_shipping_id.parent_id"/>
    <div t-field=""/>
    <div t-field="o.address_shipping_id.street"/>
    <div t-field="o.address_shipping_id.street2"/>  
        <span t-field=""/><span t-if="o.address_shipping_id.state_id.code">, </span><span t-field="o.address_shipping_id.state_id.code"/> <span t-field=""/>
    <div t-if="o.address_shipping_id.country_id.code != 'US'">
        <span t-field="o.address_shipping_id.country_id"/>

 double check the IDs, because 'address_shipping_id' doesn't exist in v10 and I'm not sure if it does in v9.

Hope it'll help.

Author Best Answer

To be honest I can't find a customer invoice form, I guess you mean the account.invoice form. There doesn't appear anything at all unfortunately :-(.

I am really confused right now...

Best regards,



I created a custom module just to create this report. For my shipping address I used 'partner_shipping_id', which I guess exists in v9.

<div t-field=""/>

<div t-field="o.partner_shipping_id.street"/>

<div t-field="o.partner_shipping_id.street2"/>

<div t-field="o.partner_shipping_id.street3"/>


<span t-field=""/><span t-if="o.partner_shipping_id.state_id.code">, </span><span t-field="o.partner_shipping_id.state_id.code"/> <span t-field=""/>


But still my both addresses are the same on the report. I think I'm using wrong IDs.

What exactly you don't know how? How to add shipping address to your report or create a module?

So to make things work I went to Sales->Configuration->Settings and in Quotation and Sales I switched from Invoicing and shipping addresses are always the same (Example: services companies) to Display 3 fields on sales orders: customer, invoice address, delivery address

After you made those changes in the sales settings it added a "Delivery Address" to Customer Invoice form. Hover over that field in the developer mode and look at its id. What does it show?

@T. Gundacker, in v10 you can get to this form in several ways: 1) Accounting module -> Sales menu -> Customer invoices -> Create new; 2) in developer mode in the drop-down box click on Open View then in the search box type in "account.invoice.form" and you will see the list of views, click on the one with the "account.invoice_form" external ID and it will open this form for you. After that you'll be able to see the id of "Delivery Address" field.

I'm sure in v9 it's pretty similar.

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