a guy give me his ver.14 test database for learning purpose. he says he forgot the password. i restored the database. i tried below before asking here but failed to get success. off course i have no idea how i can reset / modify the password to connect.
sudo su postgres
\c odb
You are now connected to database "odb" as user "postgres".
\du -- this shows only default database users not for odb to list the users which require to reset/modify password
select u.partner_id, p.name from res_users u, res_partner p where u.partner_id = p.id;
this sql also returns the default database's data (like above \du) as odb contains some other users too.
this require to (also) modify a user's password in table res_users OR res_partner to login that app.
hope i have cleared all things and will have some experts reply and guidance.