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I'm trying to import the module account_bank_statement_import_txt_xlsx in a local server hosted odoo 13 setup, and I'm getting this error:

Successfully imported module 'web_widget_dropdown_dynamic' Error while importing module 'account_bank_statement_import_txt_xlsx'. Fallo en la carga del módulo account_bank_statement_import_txt_xlsx: no se pudo procesar el archivo /tmp/tmp89rg7rsf/account_bank_statement_import_txt_xlsx/security/ir.model.access.csv: No se han encontrado registros coincidentes para id. externo 'model_account_bank_statement_import_sheet_mapping' en el campo 'Object' No se han encontrado registros coincidentes para id. externo 'model_account_bank_statement_import_sheet_mapping' en el campo 'Object' Falta el valor requerido para el campo 'Object' (model_id) Falta el valor requerido para el campo 'Object' (model_id) Make sure those modules are installed and try again. Error while importing module 'multi_step_wizard'. Error while validating view Modelo no encontrado: multi.step.wizard.mixin Contexto del error: Vista `multi.step.wizard.form` [view_id: 1980, xml_id: n/a, model: multi.step.wizard.mixin, parent_id: n/a] None multi.step.wizard.form multi.step.wizard.mixin
/tmp/tmp89rg7rsf/multi_step_wizard/views/multi_step_wizard_views.xml 2 Make sure those modules are installed and try again.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Dear Waleed, first of all thanks for you quickly response, and sorry for the delay, I'm trying to do some tests before to confirm. The module multi_step_wizard is already installed, and is present in the zip downloaded from OCA:

so I think that the cause of the error is another issue. I will try to uninstall and remove these modules and install again one by one instead of use .zip downloaded from OCA and I will share the results.

Any other suggestion will be appreciated, thanks in advance!

Best Answer

The module has other dependencies for another module which need to installed as well

Install module multi_step_wizard first
