I have added some modification in sale module, then i have deleted it.
And now i want to install it again, but it show me this erreur :
ParseError: "ERREUR: une instruction insert ou update sur la table \xab product_supplier_taxes_rel \xbb viole la contrainte de cl\xe9 \xe9trang\xe8re \xab product_supplier_taxes_rel_tax_id_fkey \xbb DETAIL: La cl\xe9 (tax_id)=(2) n'est pas pr\xe9sente dans la table \xab account_tax \xbb. " while parsing file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Odoo 10.0/server/odoo/addons/sale/data/sale_demo.xml:305, near <record id="advance_product_0" model="product.product"> <field name="name">Deposit</field> <field name="categ_id" ref="product.product_category_1"/> <field name="type">service</field> <field name="list_price">150.0</field> <field name="invoice_policy">order</field> <field name="standard_price">100.0</field> <field name="uom_id" ref="product.product_uom_unit"/> <field name="uom_po_id" ref="product.product_uom_unit"/> <field name="company_id" eval="[]"/> <field name="image" type="base64" file="sale/static/img/advance_product_0-image.jpg"/> </record>
Any help please :) thank you.