Good night,
When creating a client I have the following validation that is generating problems for me. How can I do it to eliminate it?
nif field (vat)
release: odoo12
I do the following:
The NIF [xxxxxxxx] for the company [xxxxxxx.] does not appear to be valid. Note: the expected format is PERxxxxxxx or PED1xxxxxxxx
from odoo import api, fields, models
class ResPartner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
vies_passed = fields.Boolean(
string="VIES validation",default=False, readonly=True)
def simple_vat_check(self, country_code, vat_number):
res = super(ResPartner, self).simple_vat_check(
country_code, vat_number,
partner = self.env.context.get('vat_partner')
if partner and self.vies_passed:
# Can not be sure that this VAT is signed up in VIES
partner.update({'vies_passed': False})
return res
def vies_vat_check(self, country_code, vat_number):
partner = self.env.context.get('vat_partner')
if partner:
# If there's an exception checking VIES, the upstream method will
# call simple_vat_check and thus the flag will be removed
partner.update({'vies_passed': True})
res = super(ResPartner, self).vies_vat_check(country_code, vat_number)
if not res:
return self.simple_vat_check(country_code, vat_number)
return res
def check_vat(self):
for partner in self:
partner = partner.with_context(vat_partner=partner)
super(ResPartner, partner).check_vat()
def check_vat_es(self, vat):
return True