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Hello all,

I have created a new postgresql view which has the same code than (totally duplicated). We took the code on Odoo 8. So this report is in the old api.

I want to create a new column in the graph associated to this view : invoice week. Invoice_week is the week in the year of the date_invoice for each invoice.

<record id="view_account_invoice_report_graph_vtm2" model="ir.ui.view">
         <field name="name"></field>
         <field name="model"></field>
         <field name="arch" type="xml">
             <graph string="Invoices Analysis" type="pivot">
                 <field name="fiscal_position" type="row"/>
                 <field name="invoice_week" type="col"/>
                 <field name="price_total" type="measure"/>
                 <field name="nbr" type="measure"/>

So, I have created a new computed field on the report model. I wanted the invoice_week computed on the fly when the report is generated. My function _finddate is ok and can extract the week of an invoice according to his date_invoice :

'invoice_week' : fields.function(_finddate, string="Semaine de la facture", type='char', readonly=True),

But I get this error :

AssertionError: Fields in 'groupby' must be regular database-persisted fields (no function or
 related fields), or function fields with store=True

My question is : do I have to imperatively create a new stored field on the account.invoice model or it is possible to calculate the invoice_week on the fly according to the date_invoice?

Or : Do postgresql views really work only with stored field somewhere in the database?


If I add a new field 'invoice_week' on account.invoice model, it would be computed like this. So it would be the week of the year calculated with the date_invoice :

from openerp import models, fields, api, _

from datetime import datetime
class account_invoice(models.Model):
    _inherit = "account.invoice"
    invoice_week = fields.Char(compute='_findweek',string="Semaine de la facture", readonly=True, store=True)
    def _findweek(self):
        for invoice in self:
            if invoice.date_invoice:
                invoice.invoice_week = datetime.strptime(invoice.date_invoice, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime('%U')

Author Best Answer

After 24 hours... We have found an EASY solution.

I'm sorry if somebody has lost time to help us on this post.

No need to add a new field on account.invoice. No need to add a new field to the

Just use interval="week" in the column field....

I will remember this one for long time.

We will use this code for the graph view :

<record id="view_account_invoice_report_period_graph_vtm2" model="ir.ui.view">
         <field name="name"></field>
         <field name="model"></field>
         <field name="arch" type="xml">
             <graph string="Invoices Analysis" type="pivot">
                 <field name="fiscal_position" type="row"/>
                 <field name="date" interval="week" type="col"/>
                 <field name="price_total" type="measure"/>
Best Answer

Hi Pascal

No need to be a persisted since there is no persistence table on the model because this is a model with an sql view behind, not a table, but also include it on the sql query that create the view just like a dummy value. So you could define a new regular field on your model like you did but not as a computed field. Also I think that you may need to redefine the read_group method of that model to include the values for your field.

There is a very complete example of how to include values in the read_group at the product_margin module, you can check it to build your


Thanks for all these words.

When you say to 'redefine the read_group method of that model', do you talk about the '' model or the 'account.invoice' model?

in the model


So, you say to me that the model use the read_group method even if it is a postgresql view?

Will give it a try.

Yes, that's were the error came on the first time, from read_group


You are right. I have a defined a new method read_group in my new model And like you said, the read_group method is trigerred when I display my report. Will now try to compute the invoice_week value. THanks


I won't be able to realize this project overriding the read_group method. The original is very complicated. The SQL query is long long long. I'm totally lost in it. I think I will create a new stored field 'invoice_week' on the account.invoice model.

post how you calculate the invoice_week for give you a solution about that in the read_group


If you make a move, don't forget that our new report is in the old api. We took the code in odoo 8. We are on odoo 8.


My post has been updated. Thanks

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