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Dear community members,

I'm seeing some strange behaviour that I can't quite bring home. The stylesheets that are contributed from the various modules seem to be aggregated correctly if I go by the log:

""GET /web/webclient/css?mods=base%2Cbase_setup%2Cprocess%2Cboard%2Cmail%2Cemail_template%2Cedi%2Caccount%2Cl10n_ch_base_bank%2Cknowledge%2Cdocument%2Cl10n_ch_dta%2Chr%2Cbase_calendar%2Chr_holidays%2Chr_payroll%2Cl10n_ch_hr_payroll%2Cplugin_thunderbird%2Coerp_no_phoning_home%2Csurvey%2Chr_evaluation%2Cweb_tests%2Cusers_statistics%2Caccount_voucher%2Caccount_accountant%2Cweb_analytics%2Cdocument_page%2Cmgmtsystem%2Cmgmtsystem_action%2Cdocument_page_work_instructions%2Cdocument_page_procedure%2Cmgmtsystem_nonconformity%2Ccontacts%2Cnote%2Cpad%2Ccrm%2Cweb_linkedin%2Ctcc_style%2Cproject%2Cproject_gtd%2Cshare%2Cauth_signup%2Cportal%2Cportal_crm%2Cportal_hr_employees%2Chr_expense%2Chr_attendance%2Cbase_import%2Cweb_view_editor%2Cweb_calendar%2Cl10n_ch%2Cl10n_ch_bank%2Cweb_diagram%2Cl10n_ch_payment_slip%2Cstock%2Cpurchase%2Csale%2Caccount_analytic_analysis%2Cweb_graph%2Caccount_asset%2Cweb_export_view%2Chr_recruitment%2Chr_timesheet_sheet%2Cweb_gantt%2Cfleet HTTP/1.1" 200 -"

What is strange though is that if I use the web-inspector I see that three css resources are loaded; one by the name of full.css (default) and two referenced as "css". The interesting thing is that one of the two starts with the "/* Layout helpers" and the second one with ".oe_module_vignette {".

The reason this is problematic is twofold:

  1. On the login page only one of the two "css" files is loaded.

  2. Obviously the custom css styles that I've contributed through my custom module have gone missing.

I also noticed that the base.xml modifications that are included in my custom module are not taken into account at the login screen.

What can be the problem and where should I start to look?

Thanks for your help, kind regards JP 

Author Best Answer

In case anyone else has similar observations as mine in the original posting, I seem to have understood the source of the issue. Any modification made to stylesheets through the use of a module seems to only be taken into consideration on the login screen if there is only one (1) OpenERP database.

This is in fact quite logical as there could be many instances where one of the available databases does not have the module installed that would otherwise modify the layout of the login screen.

Cheers JP 
