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I understand the entire tax structure process, fiscal positions, etc... Since Odoo doesn't use traditional account mapping that is standard, how are you suppose to clear your tax liability and set up payment to the correct tax authorities? I haven't been able to find even 1 document on this.


No no, not accounting. I understand that in order to clear out the current liability you have to set up a vendor and use an alternate chart of account such as an expense to transfer the values off the books. That's the way Quickbooks and xTuple handle that.

I need more understanding of the logistics of Odoo allowing me to accomplish the task. Since every ERP does its it different, my understanding of the way Odoo accomplishes this task; when I created a Tax Authority as a vendor, and under accounting > accounting entries I define which chart of account to pull from? When trying to select either accounts payable or accounts receivable, I'm only allowed to select 101200 and 111100. Is there info that I'm missing on how to set up the proper accounts for a tax authority? I've been searching the web and haven't come up with anything. 

When you mention manually, are you just referring to more of a reconciliation of that chart of account?

Thanks for your help...

Best Answer

I do not understand the relation to "traditional account mapping" and its meaning. But you can define tax authorities as vendors by assigning the corresponding tax accounts (see your localization) or you can clear it manually. According to my understanding this is an accounting issue, not an Odoo issue.

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