I'm having this error while trying to update some modules
File "/opt/odoo/v10/OCB/odoo/fields.py", line 544, in _setup_related_full field = target._fields[name] KeyError: 'partner'
I searched about this error, it seems it's something with a related field.
Since i can't debug in production server, i tried to reproduce it on local development machine, but everything works fine.
I'm really lost at this point, tried to reset last git pulls, but problem persists.
Searched for 'partner' related fields in all my custom modules, but found nothing.
How can i track without debugging where the problem come from?
make sure that there is no modules which is not in these following state Installed. not Uninstallable, Not installed
Thanks for the reply, but this does not work for me, there are no modules out of the installable/uninstalable, and i can install some modules without any problem son there is no module pending that could be breaking the installation