I had inherited the model sale.order in my custom module and I want to customize it according to my requirements. some fields I can hide but some of them I cannot hide
class InheritedSales(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
the manifest file is ok with depends...
and I had also defined that field in my module but also doesn't work
the error is
ile "/home/nazir/odoo13/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_ui_view.py", line 614, in raise_view_error raise ValueError(message) odoo.tools.convert.ParseError: "Element '' cannot be located in parent view Error context: View `sale.order.form` [view_id: 1692, xml_id: pharmacy_management_system.sale_template_form_inherit, model: sale.order, parent_id: 753]" while parsing /home/nazir/odoo13/custome_addons/pharmacy_management_system/views/inherited_sales.xml:2, near