I'm trying to configure an outgoing email server on my brand new Odoo15 community server, hosted on Hetzner VPS. Using gmail account and smtp
So far I have tried everything I saw on other posts, but can't find an answer to my error.
I get this after checking the connection(takes like 3 mins):
"User error"
"No response received. Check the server address and the port number"
I think that I am filling the information correctly.
So far I've tried to log in normally, create 2-step verification and use app passwords, enable IMAP, POP... every common error I saw out there.
Am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance,
As I say in the post, I have already tried this with no luck. It must be missing something else.
Thanks for the help anyways!
I have tried it on a trial enterprise database, and it worked flawlessly the first time. Should be something related to my VPS, could anyone help please?