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I manage a multi-warehouse environment, where I have Warehouse A - San Francisco and Warehouse B - San Jose. I also subcontract a painting service from a painting vendor.  This is the process:

  1. I create a purchase order for my painted product. 
  2. I send my unpainted product from Warehouse A and the paint pot from Warehouse B.
  3. I receive the painted product in Warehouse A.

Is it possible to set-up subcontracting in Odoo where I can resupply some products from a different warehouse, not the main warehouse?

Author Best Answer

Yes, this is possible. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new route: WHA = Resupply Subcontractor from WHB

  2. Create a new rule with the following configurations:
    1. Action: Pull
    2. Operation Type: Warehouse B: Resupply Subcontractors
    3. Source Location: WHBSJ/Stock
    4. Destination Location: Physical Locations/Subcontracting Locations
    5. Warehouse: Warehouse A
    6. Warehouse to Propagate: Warehouse B

  3. Add this new route to the products that are resupplied from WHB (paint).

The next time a PO is created for the Painted Item, there will be two resupply records created; one in each warehouse:

Best Answer

Hello I created in Odoo 16 The Routes and Rules as described here. But Odoo creates only one RES order with all products from different warehouses. how can I manage this?


Hi Armin,

I would check the product configurations to see if there is a conflicting route; if the same item can be resupplied from both warehouses, Odoo chooses one to use. It's likely that there is more than one resupply route on the product.