First I created products in standard costing method. 2
But did not updated cost price of that products.3
Created several purchase order and add product's price in that particular PO.
Still the product cost price = 0
I need to Convert all products costing method from standard to average costing method to implement landed cost.
1. Changed cost price =0 to cost price = 100(just a numeric value)
2. Costing method from standard to average.
3. Inventory valuation from periodical(manual) to real time(automated)
4. Updated all accounts - Input , Output , Inventory valuation, stock journal, income and expense accounts.
Process starts from here,
Explain through an example:
Sample product. Cost price = 0, Quantity = 5.
Converted product costing method from standard to average(Updated above mentioned all things).
Updated the Cost price = 250.
Created Purchase order: Cost price 270 and Quantity = 10.
After validating incoming shipment products cost price should be:
250*5(previous stock) + 270*10(current stock) > (250*5+270*10)/15 = 263.33.(value from calculator)
(0*5+270*10)/15 = 180 (value from odoo).
Why this calculation variation? Product's cost price not changing from CP = 0 to CP = 250.
Then i created landed cost for the picking, same calculation variation occurred in product's cost price.
How can i solve this? Any suggestions? Please help me to solve this issue.