Hi Odooer,
I have two database Odoo v15 CE on the same remote hosting site(linode)
1. TEST database - created during first installation as draft test database.
I can backup it up successfully.
2. REAL database - a Working database i use daily. currently i have one transaction table counted to 33392 records, the rest are just master file not more that 50 records. I have not more than 10 users
I used to backup it up successfully, last two weeks i have encourter error of lack of diskspace so i expand it to 50gb from 25gb. i have backiup t up one only. After until now i cant backup it up anymore. i got this error message below:
-----------This page isn’t working
----------- didn’t send any data.
From Terminal: i got this.
2022-12-18 15:01:08,474 4921 WARNING ? odoo.service.server: Thread virtual real time limit (156/120s) reached.
i have 17gb used out of 50gb, size no problem.
root@localhost:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 947M 0 947M 0% /dev
tmpfs 199M 1.7M 197M 1% /run
/dev/sda 49G 17G 30G 36% /
tmpfs 992M 408K 992M 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
tmpfs 992M 0 992M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 199M 0 199M 0% /run/user/0
My odoo.config is
[options] addons_path = /odoo/odoo-server/addons,/odoo/custom/addons admin_passwd = $pbkdf2-sha512$25000$do4RQgjBuDcmZAyhlLI2Jg$5tvgPxNVVeddzq1PiH/JYzTvpd4kFweGXMtvsbXBFpfBuBbJQVH5eOGJj3sueg9qsYh8UdSf2IyTMTu2/sXHvg csv_internal_sep = , data_dir = /odoo/.local/share/Odoo db_host = False db_maxconn = 64 db_name = False db_password = False db_port = False db_sslmode = prefer db_template = template0 db_user = False ;dbfilter = demo = {} email_from = False from_filter = False geoip_database = /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb http_enable = True http_interface = http_port = 8069 import_partial = limit_memory_hard = 2684354560 limit_memory_soft = 2147483648 limit_request = 8192 limit_time_cpu = 60 limit_time_real = 120 limit_time_real_cron = -1 list_db = True log_db = False log_db_level = warning log_handler = :INFO log_level = info logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log longpolling_port = 8072 max_cron_threads = 2 osv_memory_age_limit = False osv_memory_count_limit = False pg_path = pidfile = proxy_mode = False reportgz = False screencasts = screenshots = /tmp/odoo_tests server_wide_modules = base,web smtp_password = False smtp_port = 25 smtp_server = localhost smtp_ssl = False smtp_ssl_certificate_filename = False smtp_ssl_private_key_filename = False smtp_user = False syslog = False test_enable = False test_file = test_tags = None transient_age_limit = 1.0 translate_modules = ['all'] unaccent = False upgrade_path = without_demo = False workers = 0