Hi, new user here. Using C# and CookComputing XmlRpc library.
We have 2 fields that I'm attempting to search against - "ref" (display name 'Contact Reference') and "x_profileId" (custom integer field).
I can see that both fields have a value. However, when I perform the search for the specific values assigned to those fields, I get no Ids back.
If I do a search against "is_company" field, I can get Ids back so I don't believe it's an issue with either the CookComputing library or my implementation of that. It seems more like I'm not writing the search query correctly.
Here is some of my code that shows how I'm building the filter:
var fields = new string[0];
var filter = new List<object>();
var filterArgs = new List<Object>();
var searchResultIds = _odooCrud.Search(_dbName, _userid, _password, "res.partner", "search", filter.ToArray());
When searching against the ref field I use a similar filter:
I'm using a string when searching against the "ref" field since it's a char field, and I'm using an integer in my filter when searching against the "x_profileid" field since it's an integer field so I don't believe it's a "type" issue.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.