Hello everyone,
I have a problem about adding filter on many2one field based another field in another table, I want to filter the jobposition_id so the field just showing the data that have a status "Kurang" can anybody help me?, thank you, this is my model :
class Lowongan(models.Model):
_name = "mouse.lowongan"
_rec_name = "jobposition_id"
jobposition_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="mouse.jobposition", string="Posisi", ondelete="cascade")
class JobPosition(models.Model):
_name = "mouse.jobposition"
_rec_name = "namajob"
status = fields.Selection([("Kurang","Kurang"),("Penuh","Penuh")], "Kebutuhan Jumlah Karyawan", readonly=True, compute="status_capacity")
I have tried it, but it didn't work, the many2one field still showing all data, not filtered depends status