I have difficulties adding new fields to the timesheet page tree view inside project.task.form.
This is what I have:
< odoo>< data>
< record id='project_task_form_ext' model='ir.ui.view'>
< field name="name">project_task_form_ext< /field>
< field name="model">project.task< /field>
< field name="inherit_id" ref="project.view_task_form2" />
< field name="arch" type="xml">
< xpath expr="//notebook/page[2]/field[@name='timesheet_ids']/tree/field[@name='date']" position="after">
< field name="task_status" string="Status" />
< /xpath>
< /field>
< /record>
< /data>
< /odoo>
But I get the error that it cannot be located in parent view.
I'm referring to this post:
Thank you