I need to do account reconcile to test the client, while i add the cart with an item, if the payment shows 100 for example, if i decrease that, while Register Payment context, if i change that to 95? and finally, if i evaluate using create payment?
i get the error as:
The operation cannot be completed: another model requires the record being deleted. If possible, archive it instead. Model: Journal Entry (account.move), Constraint: account_move_payment_method_id_fkey
If you are seeing an unhandled error, then it is a bug. How you handle it may depend on your current support model; are you using Enterprise, or Community?
The short answer for developers is that you are trying to delete a database record that is depended upon by another record. Unfortunately, the error doesn't say which record is being deleted, or is blocking the deletion so you must dig into the code/debug for more information.