been reading the documentation hoping to find how to work with uncommitted data but no luck. anybody has experience?
if I pass one2many field named "values" to context i can read it. but the context is not a shared object with modal form thus makes me write longer code than needed.
here is the output of values in logger:
{'lang': 'en_US', 'tz': False, 'uid': 1, 'values': [[4, 1, False], [0, 'virtual_159', {'amount_select': 'percent', 'amount_range_max': 0, 'group_id': 2, 'nutrient_id': 9, 'amount_percent': 0, 'amount_range_min': 0, 'amount_fixed': 0}], [0, 'virtual_173', {'amount_select': 'percent', 'amount_range_max': 0, 'group_id': 1, 'nutrient_id': 25, 'amount_percent': 0, 'amount_range_min': 0, 'amount_fixed': 0}]], 'params': {'action': 86}}
Do you need it on another model? cant we use with_context func
yes, i need it on another model for filtering purposes on modal. with Save & Close, works with extra lines of coding. with Save & New, what is there for Save & Close, not working at all. it breaks the functionality.