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8 Replies

Hi to everyone, I've installed Odoo 9.0 on Ubuntu 14.04, and I've activated the developer mode to install module from App Store. Every app I try to install that doesn't belong to the 31 apps offered by default without accessing developer mode, I get this error:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

It looks like this happens only on the local installation. i tried to install the Barcode app in online trial, and I encoutered no problems.

If anyone may help me, I'll be eternaly grateful.




did you find the solution, i made many installation in différente environnement but i faced the same problem?


Best Answer

I have the same problem with Odoo 8 on Ubuntu.

Somebody have solution ?


Can you tell us which app you are install and where you put.

I try to install :

- connector

- connector_ecommerce

from the oddo apps, from Configuration > Applications

I have the same problem with runbot.

I think the problem is the authentication with my odoo account

Best Answer

I have the Same error with odoo 10 on Windows 10 and windows server. I think the problem is in the app store and not on odoo

Best Answer

GO to this link,  might be your problem solve here

there he has the same problem 500 servers internal error after installation of odoo, and his problems solved.

Best Answer


Have you been able to find a solution?

The same thing happens to me with Odoo 10 in Ubuntu 16.04. Newly installed with the Yenthe script

I have installed it several times and I can not install anything from the App Store ... Always the message of Internal server error ...

Let's see if anyone can help us ...

Thanks in advance...

Best Answer


Server errors after installing new thing (i.e. module) comes (at leas as per my experience) in problems with editing files done during installation. if such a thing happen (luckili it is rare case) I am checking logs, and looking for modified files comparing these to base install. in case of linux systems:

1) checking files mentioned in odoo log file:

for i in `tail -100 odoo-server.log | grep "File \"/usr" | awk -F\" '{print($2)}'`; do ls -la $i; done

above command gives me last files mentioned in odoo log; I am looking for file(s) changed lately, just after last change/installation

2) if there will be any file just modified found, I am just making copy of it, and replacing with same file from working (base) installation

sound stupid but.. so far always when having server error was able to quickly find guilty file. I am not considering here what was root case (how come file was broken/changed in wrong way), but as a solution it could - I hope - help.


