Hi Guys,
I am trying to translate the website titles for the my directory withouth much sucess.
Security | Mi Seguridad | ir.ui.view,arch_db | Spanish / Español | portal | Campo de modelo estructurado | Traducido
I have managed to change the Security tab (/my/security) with the following setings, but the rest of views (My Portal, My Quotations)
For example, the following are unsucesfull.
Quotations | Mis presupuestos | ir.ui.view,arch_db | Spanish / Español | portal | Campo de modelo estructurado | Traducido
My Quotations | Mis presupuestos | ir.ui.view,arch_db | Spanish / Español | portal | Campo de modelo estructurado | Traducido
I should clarify that the field I am trying to update is de web "title" present in the <head>.
But I am not able to find the view/module/model that is being targeted.
I understad that the value comes from web.layout:
<title t-esc="title or 'Odoo'"/>
But I am not able to trace it pass that point.