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18 Replies

How can I see the stock location of a product? And how can I list all products that are in a stock location eg. shelf 2?

Best Answer

In menu "Reporting / Warehouse / Inventor Analysis" you see the stock level of all products. Per default you see the stock level of all internal locations.

If you want to have the stock level of a certain location you have to do an Advanced Search with field Location.

If you want to see a product's stock level in all locations, then simply Group By .. product and location.

Of course, as patrick already mentioned you can click More and Stock by Location in the product's form view to see the stock level of a certain product.


ok, but how can i get all stock locations of a product? eg. a product is distributed in various locations. how can i get a list of this locations with quantity?

I also want to know this!!!

If you select a product, you should be able to click on the button More, and select 'Stock by Location'. At the moment you cannot filter on amount > 0 (or other number), so if you have got a lot of locations, you have to go through the whole list.


Group By ...product and location just shows the company not the location(shelf).

Yes we have a lot of locations, going through the whole list is not an option... :-(

You have to remove the "Internal" filter so that you see really all locations were the product is available. you can add another filter for the product if you only want to see certain products


ahh, thank you, i got it.

My issue is that this gives us 2000 locations and the filter seems broke. You cant click the column header 'real stock' but you can click to sort the headers 'location type' and 'location name'.. also if you use the 'Advanced Search' and select either 'real stock' or 'real stock value' is greater than 0.00 the results dont change. The view still shows all the locations including those with 0.00 stock !

Perhaps, this module would be useful to this purpose

Best Answer

In OpenERP, location is a generic concept and it is not bound to any product specifically.

If you wanna see locations with quantity, you should print a report available on locations.

If not a report, you have do a little customization.



what kind of customization?

Override the search() to show only the nonzero qty holder locations! I 've made it, will attach here.

def search(self, cr, uid, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, context=None, count=False): if context is None: context = {} res_ids = super(stock_location, self).search(cr, uid, args, offset, limit, order, context=context, count=count) loc_obj = self.browse(cr, uid, res_ids, context=context) res_ids = [ for x in loc_obj if x.stock_real>0 return res_ids

Missing a closing ] at the end, but thank you. This is useful for us as well.

Welcome Patrick! might have missed ] in a hurry! My aim was just to give an idea :)


thank you very much. this will help me a lot...

Best Answer

Have a look at the app: 

Best Answer


I am new to Odoo... so if i may..

Its eay to find stock by loaction...

What I want to know is where in the location is the stock.... so imagine I have a bunch of shelving that has me finished goods.. so my warehouse has say WH/Finished Goods... but logically and physically I divide that shelving into racks and in the Location WH/Finished Goods  I have Rack 1... and on my Product under the Inventory tab I say this product should be in Finished Goods but specifically on Rack 1.... 

So when new product comes in I want to tell my storeman.. you will find "like" producrs in Rack 1 so put this stuff there too...

So when I ask him to "Pick" the product.. not only can i tell him to go to the Finished Goods "zone"..but to make it fatser go to Rack 1...

Back to the original question how can i see what's in rack 1

