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3 Replies

Is it possible filter list of x2many records in form view?

For example:

1)Show only first 5 lines.

2)Show only records, that have fields according to some domain.

Best Answer

Regarding the change of the limit of one2many fields please refer to question

Regarding the filter I had the same requirement for one of our modules and I have solved it with the following steps. Assume that you have the following one2many field which you want to filter:

'line_ids': fields.one2many('your.model', 'script_id', 'Lines'),
  1. Add a filter field to your model:

    'ir_filter_id': fields.many2one('ir.filters', 'Additional Filter', domain=[('model_id', '=', 'your.model')]),
  2. Add a one2many function field to your model:

    def _get_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, args, context=None):
        line_obj = self.pool.get('your.model')
        res = {}
        for script in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
            args = [('script_id', '=',]
            if script.ir_filter_id:
                args += eval(script.ir_filter_id.domain)
            line_ids =, uid, args)
            res[] = line_ids
        return res
    def _set_lines(self, cr, uid, id, name, value, inv_arg, context):
        line_obj = self.pool.get('your.model')
        for line in value:
            if line[0] == 1: # one2many Update
                line_id = line[1]
                line_obj.write(cr, uid, [line_id], line[2])
        return True
    'view_line_ids': fields.function(_get_lines, fnct_inv=_set_lines, string='Lines', relation="your.model", method=True, type="one2many"),
  3. Add the two fields to your form view

So you can filter your one2many field with any domain. You only have to be aware of the following points:

- The filter is stored in the DB and all users have the same filter - You have to save the form view so that the current filter becomes active


Big thanks for posting this, it worked nicely after adding also checks for line[0] being 0 or 2 (create or delete). I think there shouldn't have to be this much magic involved when wanting to filter a basic o2m field, though.

Author Best Answer

Thanks to Andreas Brueckl for idea with second functional 'view' field, example first case may be (filter first 5):

def _get_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
        line_obj = self.pool.get('your.model')
        res = {}
        number = 5
        for script in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
            line_ids =, uid,[('script_id', '=',], limit=number)
            res[] = line_ids
        return res

'view_line_ids': fields.function(_get_lines, relation="your.model", method=True, type="one2many"),
Best Answer

Thanks to Andreas for this detailed answer, the fnct_inv definition saved me some time. I would suggest for others that might need it, you can add:

elif line[0] == 0: # one2many create
     self.create(cr, uid, line[2])

to the _set_lines function if you want to create new record.
