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2 Replies

I want to make address fields(street, city, state, zip) required, I used the following 3 type of codes but none of them work for me 

1) <field name="zip" placeholder="ZIP" required="1"/>

2) <field name="zip" placeholder="ZIP" use="required" />

3) <field name="zip" placeholder="ZIP" use="required"><attribute name="required">True</attribute></field>

Source Code

<field name="parent_id" invisible="1"/>
<field name="seller" invisible="1"/>
<label for="street" string="Address"/>
<field name="street" placeholder="Street"/>
<field name="street2"/>
<div class="address_format">
<field name="city" placeholder="City"/>
<field name="state_id" class="oe_no_button" placeholder="State" options="{"no_open": True, "no_create": True}"/>
<field name="zip" placeholder="ZIP"/>
<field name="country_id" placeholder="Country" class="oe_no_button" options="{"no_open": True, "no_create": True}"/>
<field name="website" widget="url" placeholder="e.g."/>
<field name="phone" placeholder="e.g. +"/>
<field name="mobile"/>
<field name="user_ids" invisible="1"/>
<field name="email" widget="email" attrs="{'required': [('user_ids','!=', [])]}" readonly="1"/>
<field name="title" options="{"no_open": True,"no_create": True}"/>

Author Best Answer

@Haresh Kansara , Thank you! 

This was an inherited form. I just use required="1" and it's working fine for me

Best Answer

Hi Muhammad Arslan,

I have just analyse your issue for field require,

To set required field you just need to set attribute required="1" and you have added perfectly in point-1.

Make sure, if you have inherited form, then perfectly added code or is there any other inherited form that block your feature, because you have added perfectly.

Also i have found that the source form that you have mention above is not exist in odoo. Is this, this one form from the module: l10_mx_edi 

