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6 Replies

Accounting users are not searching first for a Vendor when the enter a Bill.

Best Answer


You can override the create method or add a constrains for the model.

If you are overriding the create method you can check whether there is a vendor already exits in the db with the same name.

By giving constrains for the model res.partner

def _check_name(self):
partner_rec = self.env['res.partner'].search(
[('name', '=',, ('supplier', '=', True), ('id', '!=',])
if partner_rec:
raise ValueError(_('Exists ! Already a vendor exists in this name'))

Also, you can check the usage of the SQL constrains,

_sql_constraints = [
('name', 'unique (name)', 'The name already Exists!'),


Best Answer


For v14, raise UserError instead of Warning. Code updated but screenshot still shows v14 method.

For v13, this works better, and also checks the Reference field (where some people put the legal name or the account number)

for record in records:
  if record.ref:
    exists = env['res.partner'].search([('name','=',,('is_company','=',True),('id','!=',])
    exists = env['res.partner'].search([('ref','=',record.ref),('name','=',,('is_company','=',True),('id','!=',])
  if exists:
    raise UserError('"' + + '" is already in Odoo!')

You can setup an Automated Action that searches for records based on any combination of name, email, phone, etc.

This example is just for name:

This is the code snippet:

exists = env['res.partner'].search([('name','=',,('supplier','=',True),('id','!=',])
if exists:
raise UserError('Vendor "' + + '" is already in Odoo!')

This is the message this action will show users if they enter a Vendor already in Odoo:


I did not think of using automated action for this, that's cool!

I got this error while implementing this automated action (using V8)

ValueError: "name 'record_name' is not defined" while evaluating.

Sorry, I don't work with Odoo 8 any longer.

Hi Ray, I tried this on Odoo 14, and although it prevents me from creating a duplicate, it does not show a well-formated Warning, rather shows an error that something is wrong with the automated action itself.. Any idea what is going on? Thanks!


I have this method working great for restricting my users to not enter duplicate email addresses on contacts/partners.

I was wondering if anyone has had any luck using this method for mobile phone numbers?

The code below works great for email:
``exists = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',,('id','!=',])
if exists:
raise UserError('The email address "' + + '" is already in Odoo! Email must be unique.')``

The code below throws errors when trying to use it for mobile phone:
``exists = env['res.partner'].search([('mobile','=',,("mobile", "!=", False),('id','!=',])
if exists:
raise UserError('The mobile phone number "' + + '" is already used. Mobile phone number must be unique!')``

Ignore the `` wrapping the code in my above comment. I thought the forum comments allowed markdown.

Oh boy. Left one reference to email instead of mobile in my code that is why it was throwing errors. Disregard the error question.

However, I am still curious if anyone knows how this rule would be affected by Phone Validation

When Odoo runs validation on phone numbers, does it strip the database value down to the raw integer, or does it actually store the value as formatted with the the +country code, dashes and parentheses? I will do some testing of this.

I have this method working great for keeping our emails and mobile phone numbers unique. It would be great if on the popup there could be a link to the contact card which is blocking the action.

This method does not check for case-insensitive matches.

So it is possible to have two contacts with these email addresses which should not be allowed:

How can I modify the code so that it will also block matches but ignore case?

use "" on the right hand side of the search to force all emails to uppercase during comparison.

Best Answer

For V16

I have updated Ray Carnes helpful automation (thanks Ray) so that it also checks for case-insensitive matches by email address.  I also modified the UserError popup window so that it will display the Name and ID of the contact which is blocking the action.    It would be awesome if the Odoo Popups could render HTML, because then I could insert a link directly to the offending contact card.

Sorry for putting the code here as an image not text.  Whenever I put the code in, some of it is deleted by the forum.


Thanks Cliff. I wasted a lot of time checking this in Odoo 15 but when I tried it in Odoo 16 it does work.

Small improvement: I'd add the email as a filter so it only checks when there is an email address specified.

# Search for existing contacts with the same email address, ignoring case
exists = env['res.partner'].search([
('id', '!=' ,,
('email', 'ilike' ,,
('active', '!=', False)])
if exists:
#Assuming 'exists' contains at least one record, get the first one
conflicting_contact = exists[0]
# Prepare a helpful message that includes the name and ID of the conflicting contact
message = (f'The email address "{}" is already used by '
f'"{}" (ID: {}). '
'Please search for this contact in the Contacts module. '
'Email must be unique!')
raise UserError(message)

Hello Chris,

I have the automation set so that it checks if email is set, but I'll be honest, Odoo V16 seems to ignore this. See attached my full automation screenshot in my edited answer above.

Seems to work for me. But alternatively you could add if email: to the Python code.

Best Answer

It depends on your specific situation but in most cases, my suggestion is to simply set up your users so that they cannot add vendors and only a certain set of users (Accountant or Purchasing) manager can add a vendor. In most cases to create a new vendor is an involved process with contracts etc that need to be negotiated so a normal salesperson or even a purchasing clerk should not have access to add vendors. 


Agreed - you make a great point. This is certainly something I would recommend.

Now we have 3 typical answers, I know it is oversimplified, but somehow I see a typical american, indian and european (even when Jacobus shows the south-african flag) answer here :-)

I'm Australian, I just happen to live in the USA!

Best Answer

Thanks for your help

Any idea for python code to prevent dupplicate vendors payment with same reference?


Best Answer

I kept getting a error message instead of the user warning when I entered this code into Odoo 14. I solved the issue by editing the code. I had to swap out 'supplier' with 'active. See below.

exists = env['res.partner'].search([('name','=',,('active','=',True),('id','!=',])
if exists:
raise UserError('Vendor "''" is already in Odoo!')
