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If you look at my profile page you will see that I have provided 127 answers to other user's questions -- but the actual list of them shows only about a 1/10th of them.  How can I see the rest?

This is exasperating for two reasons :

  1. I wanted to refer a user to my prior answer on a question, and cannot now easily find it.
  2. I link to my profile page from my on line resume, but this defect has me making 1/10th of my real contribution.





Noticed the same recently, I think they just limit the shown answers to 20. The probably should implement some form of pagination..

I honestly think you can't do anything about this. This setting (programmation) is set by Odoo itself and is not something that you can change. In my opinion this is a bad choice and they should give the user the options to choose this or atleast put up a button with 'show all answers' or something.

Unfortunately this makes it almost impossible to find your previous answers. Then when the same questions come along I don't have the desire to write the answer again.

@Stephen, exactly! That is so annoying... Is there any way to contact administrators about this or suggest this somewhere?

Agree here. Maybe a little email will do no harm? Did anyone already contact Odoo?


It's a either a very simple bug, or a very short sighted design decision. When I am logged in, the third tab shows I have 128 favourite questions and *does* list all of them, while the first two tabs, that matter most, list only 20. The ability to showcase one's skills and knowledge in a public forum is the main reason people contribute to other people's support sites. Limiting contributor's showcasing possibilities directly limits the benefits of contributing at all, reduces the quality of answers, inhibits dialog and ultimately reduces the quality of the delivered product.


@Lodo -Neobis "Did anyone already contact Odoo?" So you also think Odoo staff spend little or no time at all in this forum?

Not as actively as some others but there are certainly those that care. Remember, this forum is also a small part of Odoo 8 and its development. Recently with the spammers I contacted Odoo and they provided a pretty rapid answer to the question provided.

Best Answer

Here is the code that limits the answers to 20 as well as the questions to 20.  I believe this may have been done because when v8rc1 was first installed on odoo's website the forum performed poorly (slowly).  They have made major changes to it since then.

You can always make a pull request on github based on the link I provided above to request a change in the code or change it manually for your own website.
