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4 Replies

Dear All,

Instead of kanban view, how to set the tree (list) view as default view for Customers and Products whenever launch them from Sales top menu ?  It can be done for Purchase module, but cannot for Sales module.

Pls advise, thanks in advance.

Best Answer


What you can do is that, activate developer mode, then go to Settings -> Technical -> User Interface -> Menu Items, search for the menu, let it be Customers in sales secton.

Then open it, then near the action field you can see a arrow button of many2one filed, click on it , then the action will open ,

Scroll down and change the sequence in the view section, give value 0 for tree view.

Lower the sequence number, will be shown first

UPTD : For the case of the product menu as there is no view in it, click add an item select view type  as Tree and give sequence as  0


Best Answer

Activate Developer Mode

Click on the debug Icon

Edit Action

And re arrange the view as below

Best Answer

This worked. Thanks :) 

Author Best Answer

Hello, Niyas Raphy, thanks very much for your prompt advise, it works fine for Customers in Sales module, but, it seems cannot apply to Products in Sales module,because there is no Views Sequence to be adjusted in its view section, pls advise, thanks a lot !


Hello, Hilar, thanks very much for your advise, the views might be re-arranged for Customers in Sales module, and it works well. but, it seems no views to be re-arranged for Products in the same module. Any idea? pls advise, thanks a lot !


Just updated the answer, Please go through it. After clicking the edit action, create a view select view type as Tree with sequence 0


Good, it works for Products as well now, thanks so much for your help, thanks.