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In OpenERP 7, I am planning manufacturing for a range of products (bags) that share some common components.

To simplify BOM management, I'm trying to create kit/phantom BOMs for those components. So the BOM structures would look something like this:

Product: Large, Green Bag BOM type: normal BOM line 1: Component for large green bag only BOM line 2: Components for all large bags

Product: Components for all large bags BOM type: sets/phantom BOM line 1: Component for large bags only BOM line 2: Components for all bags

etc. I want to achieve a single manufacturing order for a large green bag containing all the required components. But I get a manufacturing order shown just the items from the first BOM

Even more confusingly, when I look at the Large Green Bag product in the "by BOM structure" view, the various sub-BOMS are described as "normal" even though they we built as "phantom" .

Do I have to change some other setting on the sub-products to make them appear as kits in the main BOM?

Author Best Answer

OK, I found the answer here:

Insufficient Karma to publish links, so search for Question 28105 "How to define intermediary product once and have all the components BOM structure on the MO ?:

It seems that when you add a phantom BoM to another BoM, it is changed to a normal one by default (you can see this by looking at your product by BoM structure - From the More button above the product page)

You need to go into Manufacturing > BoM components and find those BoM entries, which will have the BoM of the next product up in the tree as parents. Then change the BoM type of those entries to Sets/Phantom.
