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I have this method:

@api.depends('order_picking', 'order_picking.isbn', 'contract_worksheet', 'state')
def accounting_scenarios(self):
    for record in self:
        if not len(record.transporter):
            raise Warning('Please Enter Transporter !')
        elif not len(record.transporter.transp_transit):
            raise Warning('Please assign transit account to the transporter !')
        if record.state in ('awaitingraw'): #('cancel', 'done')
            record.temp = record.contract_worksheet.total_alles - record.contract_worksheet.total_totals
            acc_move = self.env['account.move'] 
            move_lines = [
                (0, 0, {
                    'name': 'name', 
                    'debit': record.temp, # amount of debit
                    'credit': 0, # amount of credit
                    'account_id': record.transporter.transp_transit, 
                    'date': date,
                    'partner_id': record.transporter, # partner if there is one
                (0, 0, {
                    'name': 'name',
                    'debit': 0, 
                    'credit': record.contract_worksheet.total_alles,
                    'account_id': record.transporter.transp_transit,
                    'date': date,
                    'partner_id': record.transporter,


            journal_id = False
            if record.transporter.transp_transit:
                journals = self.env['account.journal'].search([
                    ('default_debit_account_id', '=',
                if journals:
                    journal_id = journals[0].id
                    #'period_id': period_id, 
                        'journal_id': journal_id, 
                        'state': 'draft',
                        'line_id': move_lines, 
        elif record.state in ('work_in_progress'):
            record.temp2 = record.contract_worksheet.total_totals
        elif record.state in ('delivered'):
            record.transporter.transp_transit.debit = record.contract_worksheet.total_alles

The account where it should look for a journal_id is the field transp_transit:

transp_transit = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Transporter Transit Account')

So, this is a custom field on a res.partner it is already defined and all that stuff.

The method doesn't throw any errors, but, for some reason, when I go to this account document, I cannot see any debit or credit amounts nor Journal entries on accounting.

So, what could be the reason for this? Is there something I didn't see or miss?

Any ideas?
