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3 Replies

I am currently working in Odoo 11 on, but my local development environment is the official Odoo 11 Docker image. It is in the Docker container that I am getting the error and I can't push to until that is fixed.

I am writing a custom module to interact with our ShipStation account. This particular problem is when I try to convert a ShipStation Order Line Item into an Odoo Sales Order Line. Here is my code:

def convert_order_line_to_sales_line(self,data,line_number):
    s_o_l =None
    if not data.product_id:
            'title':"Create SO",
            'type':'NO Got prod',
            'message':"No Product for SO with SKU: "+ data.sku
  write_dict ={
        'price_unit': data.unitPrice,
        'product_id': data.product_id,
        'product_uom_qty': data.quantity,
        'sequence': line_number,
        'product_uom': data.product_id.product_tmpl_id.uom_id,
        ('order_id','=', ),
        ('sequence','=', line_number )
    if s_o_l:
            'title':"Create SO",
            'message':"trying to write: "+repr( write_dict )
  s_o_l.write( write_dict )
            'title':"Create SO",
            'message':"trying to create: "+repr( write_dict )
  s_o_l =self.create( write_dict )
    return s_o_l

If I comment out the create statement, my log (just above it) looks like this:

Create SO
trying to create: {
'sequence': 1,
'order_partner_id': 7,
'product_id': product.product(22,),
'order_id': 505, 'price_unit': 189.95,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': product.uom(1,),
'name': 'Chickens'

So, the I have checked all of the object references in the write_dict dictionary and (from what I can see) they are all present and valid. I don't see any other required fields in the sale.order.line. I have tried to remove or change values like 'sequence' and 'name', but I get the same error.

What am I missing?


Now that I look at it I think my third line of my dictionary in the log needs to be:

'order_partner_id': res.partner(7,), 

EDIT (part 2):
Nope, that didn't fix it. I now get res.partner( 7,), in the write_dict, but still get the same error.  HELP PLEASE!

EDIT (part 3)

I think I figured it out.

I removed the .id from   'order_id':,  to  'order_id': data.order_id, and got a new error that gave me great insight into my problem -- I have been dealing with too many order_id's.  The one used here is not the like it should be. Now I just have to figure out how to do it right.

I needed to pass in the as a parameter and then change the order of the process that calls this one to create the sale.order first to get the ID, then call this with that ID . . . and it works!!

Here it is:

def convert_order_line_to_sales_line(self, data, sale_order_line_id,line_number):
    s_o_l =None
    if not data.product_id:
            'title':"Create SO",
            'type':'NO Got prod',
            'message':"No Product for SO with SKU: "+ data.sku
    write_dict ={
        'order_id': sale_order_line_id,
        'price_unit': data.unitPrice,
        'product_uom_qty': data.quantity,
        'sequence': line_number,
        ('order_id','=', sale_order_line_id ),
        ('sequence','=', line_number )
    if s_o_l:
            'title':"Create SO",
            'message':"trying to write: "+repr( write_dict )
  s_o_l.write( write_dict )
            'title':"Create SO",
            'message':"trying to create: "+repr( write_dict )
  s_o_l =self.create( write_dict )
    return s_o_l

REPLY TO subbarao:

Thank you for your reply. Actually, that last code I posted works great. I have all required fields included. I was passing the shipstation order ID, not the Odoo Sales Order ID like Odoo was expecting.

Best Answer

It occurs because somewhere in the field you have defined default value.

Best Answer

Mandatory fields are missing while create Sale Order Line, So please check log file you will get which field is missing

Best Answer

May be you have depend method executed 

ex :


and field (categ_id) not set yet
