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14 Replies

1. Log in to the Odoo admin as administrator. Activate Technical Features, if not already activated, by going to Settings > Users > Users > Admin > Edit > Usability > Technical Features > check the box (on), click Save.

2. Go to Settings > Technical > User Interface > Views.
In the search box, next to filter icon, type "Footer Copyright", and hit enter to search.

3. It will show: View name: Footer Copyright. Click to open it. Click Edit.

Comment out lines of the code as follows:
<!-- Powered by <a class="label label-danger" href="">Odoo</a>,
the #1 <a href="">Open Source eCommerce</a>. -->
Click Save.

4. Refresh the browser view of your Odoo front end website. Log out and try to logi in again. The previously visible "Powered by" backlinks and text, are gone.



How to make it permanent

hello try this it will remove Powered by Odoo from your website footer i have perform this in my project

Copyright © Company name

I did these steps and didn't find the mentioned view

Good !! It will be permanent if edit by code.

Hello can anyone assist me here I want to make my website more good

On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 5:01 PM <> wrote:
Une nouvelle réponse sur Remove Powered by Odoo from Website footer. Instructions. Enjoy. a été publiée. Cliquez ici pour accéder au message : Voir la publication ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​ ͏ ​

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Odoo S.A.

+32 81 81 37 00 | |

Powered by Odoo
Best Answer

odoo 12.0+ 

In the search box type:Brand Promotion Message

View name: Brand Promotion Message. Click to open it. Click Edit


<t t-set="final_message">Powered by %s%s</t> 

<t t-raw="final_message % (odoo_logo, _message and ('- %s' % _message) or '')"/>



Worked on Odoo 13.0e. Thanks.

It worked also in Odoo 14. Just go to the web, up right click on "Customize Theme" and then on "HTML/CSS editor" and click on "home" (white bar), then search for "Brand Promotion Message" and delete as Shiyi said.

Worked on Odoo 14.0e Thank u very much

Best Answer

This is what worked for me. ODOO 10 and 11.

  1. log in as administrator and "Activate Technical Features", if not activated this is done by going to Settings => Users => Users => ( select your Administrator username by default is Administrator) > Edit > Usability > Technical Features > check the box (active), then Save.

  2. Go to Settings > Technical > User Interface > Views. In the search box, next to "(filter icon) Active", type "Login Layout", and hit enter to search. There will be one search result. (View name: Login Layout. View type: QWeb view.) Click to open it.

  3. Then Click Edit

  4. search for "web.menu_secondary" and edit it as your requirement
  5. Save it
  6. Refresh your browser to get the change otherwise log out and again in to see the change.



does not work in odoo 12.0e+

Best Answer

If you are using odoo16, you can use this module

Best Answer

for anyone who did not want to touch any kind of code, can be tried with by disable the "Copyright" at "Footer Block" through website editor mode. Just try it at Odoo 17 EE.

Best Answer

in Odoo 14:
 Go to the web, up right click on "Customize Theme" and then on "HTML/CSS editor" and click on "home" (white bar), then search for "Brand Promotion Message"  :
Comment :  <t t-set="final_message">Powered by %s%s</t>   like  this :

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
<t name="Brand Promotion Message" t-name="web.brand_promotion_message">
        <t t-set="odoo_logo">
            <a target="_blank" t-attf-href=";utm_medium=#{_utm_medium}" class="badge badge-light">
                <img alt="Odoo" src="/web/static/src/img/odoo_logo_tiny.png" style="height: 1em; vertical-align: baseline;"/>
        <!--  <t t-set="final_message">Powered by %s%s</t>
        <t t-raw="final_message % (odoo_logo, _message and ('- %s' % _message) or '')"/>

It works ! Enjoy !

Best Answer

In the search box type:Brand Promotion Message

View name: Brand Promotion Message. Click to open it. ClickEdit


Powered by %s%s 



I followed this and I got a 500: internal server error. :)

Best Answer

Follow this link

Best Answer

hello try this it will work for sure if you put this code properly bcoz i have perform this in my project and it removes powered by odoo from my website footer

<template id="website.layout_footer_copyright" inherit_id="website.layout" name="Footer Copyright">

<xpath expr="//footer" position="inside">

<div class="container mt16 mb8">

<div class="pull-left text-muted">

Copyright &copy; <span t-field="">Company name</span>





Thank You

Best Answer

You need to check "Non Updatable" checkbox so that the change will not be reverted everytime you update (-u all)


This is a great feature, is it available for every view on Odoo ?

Best Answer

Or just install this module:

Best Answer

It doesn't work ....zachiny ..... which module is required to make it work ?

ParseError: "The ID "website.layout_footer_copyright" refers to an uninstalled m odule" while parsing None:4, near

<data inherit_id="website.layout" name="Footer Copyright">

<xpath expr="//footer" position="inside">

<div class="container mt16 mb8">

<div class="pull-left text-muted">

Copyright <span t-field="">Company name</span>





Best Answer

Why not just use odoo debrand from the apps section? Works for me and it'll survive core updates etc  :)

Best Answer

1. Log in to the Odoo admin as administrator. Activate Technical Features, if not already activated, by going to Settings > Users > Users > Admin > Edit > Usability > Technical Features > check the box (on), click Save.

2. Go to Settings > Technical > User Interface > Views.

In the search box, next to filter icon, type "Footer Copyright", and hit enter to search.

3. It will show: View name: Footer Copyright. Click to open it. Click Edit.

Comment out lines of the code as follows:

<!-- Powered by <a class="label label-danger" href="">Odoo</a>,

the #1 <a href="">Open Source eCommerce</a>. -->

Click Save.

4. Refresh the browser view of your Odoo front end website. Log out and try to logi in again. The previously visible "Powered by" backlinks and text, are gone.

