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3 Replies

Is there any option in odoo to block users to create and update product details  based on their role or permission.


Best Answer

You can restrict any user from creating a new product by following these steps:

- Go to:

Settings > in "Users" Select "Manage Users"

Select the user which you need to restrict him from creating a new product.

Select "Edit" then in "Inventory" Select "User" ((Do Not Select Administrator)) then click save.


Settings > User & Companies > Select "Groups"

Search for "Inventory / User" then Select it

Select "Access Rights" then Select "Edit"

In the table, you will see "product.template stock user" ..

Tick inside "Create Access" to allow users to create a new product or untick to restrict the user from creating a new product.


Yousif Al Qallaf


Tried the above but to no avail.
User is set as user, box is unticked.
Still user can create products.

Hi Guy, had a similar issue as you but discovered if you do the above steps, AND also untick "Create Access" for "stock.inventory user", the Create button is removed.

Hope this helps!

Best Answer


there is a module for that:

Best Answer

You can control the Access Rights for any models in odoo. In this case, you are wanting to edit the product.product (and possibly product.template) access rights. Make sure you have technical features enabled for the user you are logged into. 

1. Go to Settings > Technical > Database Structure > Models

2. Search for the model you want to change (product.product). 

3. Select the product and go to Edit. Select the second tab that reads "Access Rights".

4. Select the Read, Write, Create and Delete permissions you want each group to have. (You can control groups and membership of groups under the "Users" section of the same Settings tab. 

These permissions are typical CRUD rights common to most databases. You can learn more here:,_read,_update_and_delete.

I should add that, in my experience, you may find out after adjusting permissions that your users need access rights to unexpected models to accomplish your goals. Odoo error reporting does a good job of throwing errors in a popup with the model listed so you know to change it. 
