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Does anybody know the differences between the built-in multiprocessor-mode (started with " --workers X") and gunicorn?

Relevant properties would be:

  • memory limits
  • CPU time limits
  • dynamic control of the number of worker processes
  • ...

The following topic uses gunicorn for a high availability deployment: Link


Which one is recommended ?

Best Answer

The built-in multiprocess mode is new in v7, and mostly replaces the previous gunicorn-based multiprocess mode of v6.1. It has the same kind of features as v6.1's gunicorn settings, as shown by openerp-server --help:

$ ./openerp-server --help

Usage: openerp-server [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


  Multiprocessing options:
    --workers=WORKERS   Specify the number of workers, 0 disable prefork mode.
                        Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when
                        reached the worker be reset after the current request
                        (default 671088640 aka 640MB).
                        Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when
                        reached, any memory allocation will fail (default
                        805306368 aka 768MB).
                        Maximum allowed CPU time per request (default 60).
                        Maximum allowed Real time per request (default 120).
                        Maximum number of request to be processed per worker
                        (default 8192).

This new built-in multi-process HTTP Server (nicknamed MultiCorn - pun on Unicorn intended) makes deployment easier while reusing the same design principles as Gunicorn: a WSGI-compliant HTTP server with pre-forked worker processes.

It adds a few niceties on top of what was already possible with Gunicorn in v6.1, such as:

  • No need to run and manage separately another OpenERP process for executing background OpenERP jobs (ir.cron). MultiCorn spawns a dedicated CronWorker automatically (controlled by --max-cron-threads)
  • The WSGI entry point is now openerp.service.wsgi_server.application (it was openerp.wsgi.application in v6.1), but v7.0 has a new startup script to make deploying in WSGI containers easier

All the ideas behind the introduction of the multi-process mode in v6.1 still apply.


So no need to run gunicorn in V7.0 ?

@Ahmet: You can still run OpenERP 7.0 with Gunicorn if you like, but it's definitely redundant with the built-in --workers option, and you'll have to adapt the wgsi entry point etc. as they changed since v6.1.

What is the default value for --workers and what is the recommended value for --workers (like 2*core+1), can I also add a line in conf file like workers=4 to define it?

I'd definitly love an answer to Ahmet Altınışık questions actually. Anyone ?

Yes, I'd like some clues as to the syntax of these options as well. If I just put a couple of lines with worker=8 and limit-time-cpu=300 they appear to have no effect

The recommended --workers value is 2*cores+1, as with gunicorn. You can put it in the config file too, e.g workers=5, haven't you tried that? The same goes with the various --limit-* options, e.g. limit_cpu_time=1200 to limit requests to 20 minutes. The limits apply only when workers > 0

I see where my problem was. Where it says limit-time-cpu it actually means limit_time_cpu. Surprised I didn't work that one out myself....... Thanks for your help