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How can I adapt the default map on the website "Contact Us" page, when I do not have an available address because it is in the middle of the woods, but I do have geographical latitude and longitude and I have also defined a Google Place.

This is the Google Place: Holzschopf

Using the Google Place or using longitude and latitude, I can create an Odoo-URL for the map thumbnail by replacing the address in the original Odoo Map URL with the Google Place name like this:


which renders the proper map thumbnail:

The thumbnail should then properly link to Google Maps:,8.5496122,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x479aabc19038c111:0x2bb45170352f9940!8m2!3d47.1922423!4d8.5583669

instead of,+Baar+6340,+Switzerland/@37.0625,-95.677068,4z

Can somebody give me a hint on how to create a small module which replaces the partner address by the corresponding fields partner_longitude and partner_latitude?



I think you are refer to the google map link opened in contact us page.

if so you need to change method 'google_map_link' in /addons/website/models/

I just tried it in original code


def google_map_link(self, zoom=10):

# params = {

# 'q': '%s, %s %s, %s' % (self.street or '', or '', or '', self.country_id and self.country_id.name_get()[0][1] or ''),

# 'z': zoom,

# }

params = {

'q': '%s' % ('47.1922423,8.5496122'),

'z': zoom,


return urlplus('', params)

You can create a new module inheriting res.partner


Thanks Mohammed, this is exactly what I was looking for. How would this code look like when I would want to replace the explicit coordinates by the values of the fields partner_longitude and partner_latitude?


Could it be like this:

params = {

'q': '%s' % (self.partner_longitude,self.partner_latitude),

'z': zoom,



I would then make these fields editable in the module geo_localize, so these values can be manually entered when the localization based on the address does not work.

It will look like this

'q': '%s,%s' % (self.partner_longitude,self.partner_latitude),

You have to create fields partner_longitude and partner_latitude in res.partner because self refers to res.partner here


OK, understood. The fields already exists because they are created when installing the module base_geolocalize. Thank you very much! I tried to convert your comment to an answer, but it is not possible, because of your original answer. So I will edit your original answer and upvote it.


Are my edits correct like that?

Best Answer


If you want to convert address to lat and long, try geopy python package. you can refer this link - geopy 

If you want to go to a link using google map you can use this format,8.523348

Edit (do ignore the previous lines and the comments):

You can change the original code like this:


def google_map_link(self, zoom=10):

# params = {
# 'q': '%s, %s %s, %s' % (self.street or '', or '', or '', self.country_id and self.country_id.name_get()[0][1] or ''),
# 'z': zoom,
# }

params = {
'q': '%s' % ('47.1922423,8.5496122'),
'z': zoom,
return urlplus('', params)

Then you can create a new module inheriting res.partner.

If you want to use the existing fields (from the module base_geolocalize), do it like this:


def google_map_link(self, zoom=10):

        params = {
         'q': '%s,%s' % (self.partner_longitude,self.partner_latitude),
         'z': zoom,


def google_map_img(self, zoom=8, width=298, height=298):

google_maps_api_key = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('google_maps_api_key')
if not google_maps_api_key:
return False
params = {
'center': '%s,%s' % (self.partner_longitude,self.partner_latitude),
 'size': "%sx%s" % (height, width),
'zoom': zoom,
'sensor': 'false',
'key': google_maps_api_key,
return urlplus('//', params)


Thanks for your answer, but I already understand that, as you can read from my explanation. My point is: how can I change the Odoo code of the "Contact Us" page accordingly.

I'm not sure if you are looking for this.

The google map button is defined in the template with id company_description. You can inherit and replace the current button with your button


Thank you very much for your continuing efforts. I'm not a developer, therefore it is very difficult for me to understand the basics behind it. While finding this link: I understand that I have to change the method of composing the rendered URL for the Google Map in addons/website/models/ and now it gets a little bit complicated for a simple minded heart as I am :-)