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9 Replies

Can someone explain the difference between odoo v8 vs. saas-6 vs. OCB v8?

Odoo v8
OCB v8:

I know that odoo v8 is the official release, saas-6 is the web saas version and that OCB is the community version with community bug fixes that may not have been accepted by odoo.  But can someone explain the benefits/disadvantages of using one over the other.  Are there minor version upgrade scripts built into each version?  Can I use the saas versions?  Does OCB version their releases and include upgrade scripts?

I would just like to understand each version more.  Thanks for your input!

Author Best Answer

This summery was compiled by responses on and off-forum, please feel free to comment below with updates or corrections and I will keep this answer updated:

odoo v8: Is the LTS (Long-Term Stable) version that is updated with bug patches and is wholey maintained by odoo with community submissions, however it does not receive new features/functionality.

saas-6: Is the first minor update of odoo 8 that includes bug fixes and will include new "stable alpha" features that will become available in the next LTS version of odoo.  Only odoo develops a migration path between saas versions, the community does not.  This version is available to odoo's online web saas customers when it is released but can be rolled back or migrated to the next saas version at odoo's discretion.

OCB v8: Is a version of odoo 8 that is maintained by the OCA (Odoo Community Association), to permit them to respond to a community developed patches faster than odoo.  All updates must be submitted to the official odoo branch for adoption in the official odoo release before they can be considered for the OCB version. Like odoo v8 only bug fixes are accepted and migration to the next LTS version is possible through either odoo or the community migration scripts.

  • Both odoo and the community develop a migration path to the next LTS (Long Term Stable) version.  WARNING: No community upgrade is available for the SaaS versions.
  • After an official release, Odoo may choose to make new features available by releasing a new app/module.  Also new features will first show up in their saas and Master branches on GitHub.
  • OCA maintains a list of community modules and localizations on their website.
Best Answer

Hi Stephen,

Saas6 is the next minor release after v8 [1]. Maybe you should think as v8.1 but you get patches only for some month and their is no upgrade paths between saas versions. So using a saas version is a problem in the long run.

Using OCB or the official branch depends on your needs. In general both are possible (never use a private branch from random guy out there). If you are just a user the official v8 should the way to go.
If you are a technical guy then you can use OCB and handle the risk that their can be bugs to the changes of the community.

For the moment odoo v8 = OCB v8 [2] and we will see it will stay the same. Openerp s.a. working hard to review and process the PR from the community and if this continues well then there is no need for OCB anymore.





Thanks for the information, but does odoo roll their saas changes back into the LTS version (v8 in this case) to keep it up to date? Or do these changes only go into the master branch (v9 in this case). I am guessing that odoo under a maintenance contract would not install their saas version on-site in a company only the LTS version and then apply any patches included in the saas version that were needed. I have a feeling that you are correct that the reason that OCB exist has or is in the process of going away as odoo has committed to be more responsive to merging the best of patches from the community. I guess I kind of wish that odoo would just make the saas versions a minor version update with their update script included and then everyone could keep up to date, but maybe that is too much maintenance work to support so many major and minor releases. Any insight on the upkeep of the major version during its ~4 year life cycle?

So new features will be only in v9. Bugfix will be in every version concerned to the bug.
OCB has no new features only a share branch to get bugfix faster applied and they only accept changes if you submit your fix against the official version to prevent to be a fork in the end.
Some new features can be back port as a module for the previous version. Sometimes this happends in the community.

Thank you Markus,

Would you be willing to post this on the forum as a comment?  

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Markus Schneider <> wrote:

So new features will be only in v9. Bugfix will be in every version concerned to the bug.
OCB has no new features only a share branch to get bugfix faster applied and they only accept changes if you submit your fix against the official version to prevent to be a fork in the end.
Some new features can be back port as a module for the previous version. Sometimes this happends in the community.

Markus Schneider, InitOS Sent by OpenERP S.A. using Odoo. Access your messages and documents in Odoo

So new features will be only in v9. Bugfix will be in every version concerned to the bug. OCB has no new features only a share branch to get bugfix faster applied and they only accept changes if you submit your fix against the official version to prevent to be a fork in the end. Some new features can be back port as a module for the previous version. Sometimes this happends in the community.

are odoo 7.0 and ocb 7.0 compatible? Both of you have mentioned the ocb version might be obsolete in the (near) future so what happens if that happens and if your are on the ocb version: can you easily switch to ofiicial oddo sources?

Hi Gunnar,

I have no knowledge that OCB will be discontinued but you could switch it for odoo 7.0 because they are the same except for minor code differences.  

You can see the difference for yourself.

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:08 PM, gunnar <> wrote:

are odoo 7.0 and ocb 7.0 compatible? Both of you have mentioned the ocb version might be obsolete in the (near) future so what happens if that happens and if your are on the ocb version: can you easily switch to ofiicial oddo sources?

Sent by OpenERP S.A. using Odoo. Access your messages and documents in Odoo

Best Answer

CAUTION: We wanted many of the features released in SaaS 6 version, but luckily checked with our account rep before full implementation.  Here is what he said:

Unfortunately saas branches are not supported. We consider them beta versions until the next stable release and cannot provide bug support. Customers are able to use it on SaaS because the SaaS is incrementally upgraded and there is no version migration, we also use the SaaS for testing. The stable releases are the full version releases and the restaurant features wont be fully supported until v9. We are anticipating v9 in Q4 of this year, but I do not have a date.

The migration scripts are built for the latest version, and will probably not work for different branches.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Raul Villalobos

So if you are a partner and looking to use a saas version with an enterprise client don't!
