Discover Odoo 18 Keynote, by Odoo Founder
Fabien PinckaersValmis
Solutions for Make-to-Order Manufacturing Process
Devin MewadaValmis
The Odoo Partnership Program
Akshay PanchalValmis
Serialised manufacturing made easy
Kavan Chavda (kavc)Valmis
Implementing Odoo for Indian Customers - Challenges and Opportunities
Purushothaman DheenadayalanValmis
Transforming the Loan Industry: ERP Implementation and DSA Management
Meet DholakiaValmis
Ashfak Mullantakath (asmu)Valmis
Industry : Eyewear Shop
Avinash SahooValmis
Industry : Furniture store
Tanpreet Singh BenipalValmis
Odoo: A Mid-Market and Enterprise Solution
Anandhu anilValmis
Industry : Hair Salon
Sijainti: Seminar Hall 4, First Floor, Mahatma Mandir
24.8.2024 11.30
24.8.2024 12.00
(30 minuuttia)
Akshay Molke (akmo)
Akshay Molke (akmo)