Husk Ventures
Husk Ventures is the world’s leading producer of biochar-based fertilizers. Biochar (biomass– charcoal) is a recognised carbon removal technology that fixes carbon into a stable state
for at least 100 years. They have created the world’s first biochar plant in a rice mill following
European Biochar Certification (EBC C-Sink) standards and They are part of a growing
ecosystem of individuals and organizations committed to improving smallholder farmers’
lives through regenerative agriculture. Maatalous
Hydromak Agriculture LLC
We believe the future of sustainability and food security requires innovative and evolving solutions. We at HYDROMAK, strive to incorporate cutting-edge growing methods to promote sustainable growing conditions. Our products passionately aim to alleviate a core set of industry obstacles through hydroponic technology. We recognize the vast implications that climate change, food insecurity, the Covid-19 pandemic and dwindling flavor in commercialized products have impacted our market.We are deeply passionate about guaranteeing the sustainability, cleanliness and flavor of our products.
IBM is a subsidiary of Bikiya Industries; an entity committed to providing health and hygiene solutions. Headquartered in Karachi, Pakistan, Bikiya Industries (IBM) was estabilished in 2015. It aims to emerge as a leading FMCG and distribution company in the coming years with a goal to sell its products in Pakistan and internationally by taking advantage of an already built extensive network of retail customers. MaatalousIFresh (Pvt) Ltd
IFresh (Pvt) Ltd specializes in delivering fresh vegetables to the Hambantota Harbor, ensuring the port's workforce and vessels are supplied with high-quality produce. Their reliable service supports the harbor's daily operations, contributing to the smooth functioning of this key maritime hub. By providing timely deliveries and maintaining strict quality standards, IFresh plays a vital role in supporting both the harbor's needs and the local agricultural sector.Maatalous
In 2017, Indagro has successfully completed the acquisition of Experts for Food Industries and Olive Gardens to be part of its portfolio.Experts was founded in 2007. The aim of the company was to capitalize on Egypt’s strength in the field of food industries and export the Egyptian products. In addition to the trading, this was a needed crucial one for the study of the Egyptian & International markets in depth and standing upon the explicit needs to be fulfilled. The trade business took off successfully through the exporting of various products ranging from pickled olives, table oil (sunflower& corn) and tomato paste double brix in tin cans. Maatalous
International Delta Center for Export
Who we are? For more than three decades, Int’l Delta Center for Export has been serving their clients. It was established in Qualiubia in 1985, built on many years of experience acquired by working in the field of exporting fresh vegetables. Our family business helps in holding to our principle of the self financed development of our company’s infrastructure and packing houses. At the beginning, the company had only one packing house for citrus and all kinds of vegetables and fruits .However, after more than thirty years in the business, our company owns its three buildings( packing house for fresh fruits and vegetables /cold store /factory of frozen vegetables and fruits) with capacity reaches 45000MTon an annual basis. The Success we have is owed to our partners all through the way from the Gulf to Canada and Europe to Russia. We have directed all our efforts toward increasing the production output of our products year after year while maintaining the highest standards of quality. MaatalousJV T&C
Odoo V12 – Installation de structures métalliques, chaudronnées et de tuyauterie, Dépannage & RéparationLeurs outils : Ventes, Achats, Facturation-Comptabilité, Projet, Feuille de temps, Note de frais.
Odoo permet à l’entreprise JVT&C de suivre les suivis de chantiers, à travers les achats et les ventes et d’obtenir une BI de chaque chantier
L’entreprise JVT&C, le spécialiste pour les travaux de tuyauterie industrielle et chaudronnerie. Faites appel à notre expertise. Installation et sécurisation Maatalous
KAGOME Australia Pty Ltd
Kagome Australia is the country’s largest tomato processing company, delivering high quality tomato-based products since 1996. We are proud to grow, harvest and process our own tomatoes in sunny Echuca.We work closely with growers, producers and consumers to deliver a value-added product – true to flavor and in tune with nature – to Australia and the world.
KG Distribution
KG Group is one of the biggest, agriculture and food business groups across the Baltic States.KG Group’s activity is divided into grain and poultry sectors. These sectors develop separate integrated businesses that supplement each other and collectively form the farm-to-table production chain. This chain ensures the traceability and control of every manufacturing process, which helps us guarantee the high quality of our products and services. Maatalous
Kilter AS
Norske Kilter is revolutionizing food production with its advanced robots that reduce pesticide use in vegetable production by 95%. The robot achieves this by using artificial intelligence to recognize which plants are vegetables and which leaves belong to weeds. It then shoots individual droplets of herbicide exclusively onto the weed leaves.Maatalous
Kulturland eG
Kulturland Genossenschaft: Die Kulturland-Genossenschaft unterstützt regional orientierte Biolandwirtïnnen bei der langfristigen Sicherung ihrer Wirtschaftsflächen. Kundïnnen, Freunde, Unterstützer eines Hofes (der "Umkreis") sowie Städterïnnen aus den Ballungszentren und natürlich auch "Dörfler" können über Genossenschaftsanteile Geld in die Genossenschaft einlegen. Mit diesen Mitteln kauft die Kulturland eG gemeinsam mit den Höfen das Land um dieses unbefristet und unkündbar den Bäuerinnen und Bauern zur Verfügung zu stellen.Maatalous