District 1, 6th of October,
12573 Cairo Governorate C

About us:
As one of the most significant IT and IS products and services suppliers, we have been providing innovative complex IT solutions for Egyptian and international markets to help manage hundreds of companies and organizations of any size with tailored solutions and standardized procedures to ensure success and prosperity of our partners.
We bring the widest product and service portfolio within the market. We are here to bring users Enterprise information systems, Manufacturing management, HR management solutions, Production management systems and professional Management information systems. Except for the ERP systems, we successfully design and provide the technical and technological infrastructure of the respective quality. Our custom-made information systems can cover even the most specific needs of customers from different industry sectors.
We are a premier IT company, Leading our local and national market by Implementing business management standards through Latest ERP management system technology, we are Odoo partners in Cairo,Egypt our main business line is providing solutions to any and every organization whenever lacking system or control , our role is to lead our partners to successful implementation of ERP system technology to ensure successful business management and control through Manufacturing, Accounting, HR management, POS management and any custom design system needed by partner.
our service list is extending through renowned partners varies from national and international practice.
we cordially inviting everyone to get to know our services provided and learn more about us at
كانت الحلويات العربية ولا زالت رمزا من رموز الضيافة والافتخار بتقديمها بكافة المناسبات وحلويات العيسوى من اشهر الحلويات الشرقية التى تتربع على عرش الحلويات منذعام 1930 وحتى اليوم , واكبت حلويات العيسوى المفهوم العصرى للحلويات واستحقت بكل جدارة شهادة البراعة من كل من تذوقها , متخصصون فى الحلويات الشرقية- شيكولاتات - النوجا - الكيك - معمول - بسكويت - الايس كريم.