Opening Keynote - Unveiling Odoo 17
Fabien PinckaersDone
Keynote - Vision & Strategy
Fabien PinckaersDone
ORM Unleashed: Computed, Related, Onchange - The Magic Behind Odoo's Data Management
Raphaël ColletDone
Why the Odoo ORM is not like other ORMs
Raphael ColletDone
Opening Developer Day
Antony LesuisseDone
Host your Odoo server on the public Internet: do's and don'ts
Nicolas MartinelliDone
Better than React: Why We Built Our Own UI Library
Samuel DegueldreDone
Building for Speed: Lego-like Blocks in JS
Géry DebongnieDone
Enhancing User Experience to Build a Product Users Love?
Luc NailisDone
Embracing the Future: Transforming Odoo into a Progressive Web App
Damien BouvyDone
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Your Questions, Our Answers: An Open AMA with Odoo Developers
Developer Day
Location: Hall 7.A
11/8/23, 4:30 PM
11/8/23, 5:30 PM
(1 hour)
Antony Lesuisse (al)
at Odoo
Antony Lesuisse (al)
at Odoo
Antony is one of the lucky people in life who can say he loves what he does. He oversees 300+ in-house developers and is the CTO of the Belgian unicorn Odoo.
Developers always have dozens of questions to ask about Odoo. And who else than its CTO to answer all those questions?
Join Antony Lesuisse, Odoo's CTO, as he answers all your questions!