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Use case Meubles Belot - Delivery management on mobile devices
Location: Studio 6 - 10/1/20, 5:00 PM - 10/1/20, 5:30 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Use case Meubles Belot - Delivery management on mobile devices
Alexis Belot
Sales and Marketing Manager at SA. Meubles Belot
Alexis Belot
Sales and Marketing Manager at SA. Meubles Belot

Alexis Belot is the Sales and Marketing Manager at Meubles Belot, one of the largest furniture stores in Walloon, Belgium.

Belot is one of the largest furniture stores in the Walloon region situated in Belgium. On the market for more than 100 years, Belot furniture has wanted to equip itself with an integrated management software from the POS to the management of the stocks. Alexis Belot, sales and marketing manager, will present his client case and more precisely the transition from a multi-software environment to an integrated Odoo solution. In addition, the focus will be placed on delivery management and more specifically the mobile application we developed for the client.

Today Meubles Belot is using Odoo and more precisely the POS, sales management, inventory management, route management, human resources management, customer database, CRM and invoicing modules. During this talk Alexis Belot will give us his feedback on Odoo and the collaboration with BHC an Odoo Partner based in Belgium.


How much product variances are configured?
The mobile app interface with______ applications?
Who is always late to receive his furniture?