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Managing Your Customer's Credit in Odoo
Demo Functional
Location: Studio 2 - 10/1/20, 8:00 PM - 10/1/20, 8:30 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Managing Your Customer's Credit in Odoo
Jamie Funk
Business Analyst at Sodexis, Inc.
Jamie Funk
Business Analyst at Sodexis, Inc.

Jamie Funk is a Business Analyst at Sodexis: an official Odoo Gold partner. Jamie has over 10 years of experience in managing software implementation projects, 3 years specifically with Odoo as a product manager for internal usage and external customer projects. This gave her valuable real-life experience to understand everything that goes into an Odoo implementation from both the developer's and the user's perspective. Jamie's past experience allowed her to seamlessly step into her role at Sodexis and add immediate value for Odoo users.

Through this presentation and demo (Odoo 13 Enterprise) the audience will discover the features of our Credit Management application. The demo of our Credit Management app will cover different cases and scenarios such as:

- The confirmation of a customer Sales Order is restricted if the customer does not have enough credit and/or did not pre-pay

- Option for a group of users to overwrite the restriction

- Option to eliminate the restriction for some Payment methods

- Option to put the customer on a credit hold

- Option to test if the customer has any invoice overdue by a certain amount of days

Credit Management is available in the app store for V12 and V13. As an Odoo Partner since 2012, Sodexis helps manufacturing and distribution companies all over the US improve their efficiency by implementing the Odoo ERP solution with the highest return on investment possible. More info: http://www.sodexis.com