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Inventory & MRP: The New Replenishment Mechanism
Demo Functional
Location: Studio 2 - 10/1/20, 6:00 PM - 10/1/20, 6:30 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Inventory & MRP: The New Replenishment Mechanism
Gilles Merckx
Functional Consultant at Odoo
Gilles Merckx
Functional Consultant at Odoo

After studying Business Administration, Gilles completed a PhD in Supply Chain Management where he tackled strategic questions on purchasing.

Now, working at Odoo for over a year, he is specializing himself in the Purchase and Inventory applications, as he has a keen interest in efficient supply chains.

Inventory replenishment can determine the efficiency of your good's flow as they move throughout your supply chain.

Therefore, in this functional talk, you will learn and try out, how you can create manual reordering rules and propose a replenishment report which shows the products that can be manually replenished, in Odoo Inventory V14. Join us!